
New forum section: "Fresh from the oven: new papers, studies, etc."

Have you published a paper, a thesis, a technical report?

Do you think the content can be of interest to the community?

Perfect...the website forum now has a section which is perfect for you:

"Fresh from the oven: new papers, studies, etc."

Just leave a message in the forum with a link and a short description of the content of the material.

Thanks to Dr. Igor Backalov (University of Belgrade) for the suggestion...

Added Report NSWCCD-50-TR-2005/027 (Model 5613)

New benchmark data have been added!
The new ship for which data are available is the Model 5613.
Experimental data, as well as ship geometry, are coming from the following report:
Bishop, R.C., Belknap, W., Turner, C., Simon, B., Kim, J.H., "Parametric Investigation on the Influence of GM, Roll Damping, and Above-Water Form on the Roll Response of Model 5613", Naval Surface Warfare Center, Hydromechanics Department Report NSWCCD-50-TR-2005/027, August 2005
Data courtesy of Arthur M. Reed and William F. Belknap from Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (USA).
Data can be downloaded from here.

Added Report NSWCCD-50-TR–2008/040 (Model 5514/Model 5613)

New numerical benchmark data have been added!
The ships for which data are available are Model 5514 and Model 5613.
Numerical data, as well as ships geometries, are coming from the following report:
Telste, J.G., Belknap, W.F., "Potential Flow Forces and Moments from Selected Ship Flow Codes in a Set of Numerical Experiments", Naval Surface Warfare Center, Hydromechanics Department Report NSWCCD-50-TR–2008/040, May 2008
Data courtesy of Arthur M. Reed and William F. Belknap from Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (USA).
Data can be downloaded from here.